I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The idea of being saved is for many people an easy believe-ism. Just believe Jesus was a real person and you are saved. But that is not what the Bible teaches. Yes salvation comes through the grace of God by simple faith or believing but really believing in Jesus means that we acknowledge our sinfulness and repent or turn from our sinful ways. Jesus said it clearly when He said “Except you repent you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” If there is no real change in actions of a person’s life, then that person has not actually believed in Jesus. Real salvation has evidence that is seen in a life that has been changed. Jesus did not come to call us to heaven but to live lives that are set apart for God and His Kingdom’s work. Confessing our sin is so we will turn from our sinful ways and live like Christ calls us to live. Just saying you believe Jesus is real is no better than the devils who knew Christ is real. Our faith must lead us to change and service to God.
Scripture: Heb. 2:3 ; Matt. 18:15 ; John 16:8-11 ; John 8:9 ; Jude 1:15 ; Acts 24:14 ; I John 1:9 ; Matt. 10:32 ;
Acts 2:21 ; John 5:24 ; Rom. 10:11-13 ; Matt. 3:2 ; John 3:3-7 ; Mk. 13:20 ; John 15:16 ; Rom. 15:31 ;
Phil. 2:17 ; Phil. 2:30 ; Lk. 12:42-44