Sermon Thought

II Thess. 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

As we continue to look at the Church in the Tribulation, this verse is a word of encouragement. Many people are worried and terrified of the time of Tribulation but we are told to “not be soon shaken in mind”. There is not one reason for believers to be afraid of that time because Jesus has promised us that He would never leave us. Because we have Christ, we are safe even in the midst of Tribulation. Just knowing that Jesus is with us and that whether we live or die, we belong to Him and will be with Him. Our life does not depend on us being alive in this world but on us being alive “IN CHRIST”. So if we live, we live for Christ and if we die, we die for Christ. But be assured that “in Christ” we never really die because He has prepared a place for us that we may live and be with Him forever. So fully trust in the Lord, not just for salvation but also for His continued care for you in every aspect of your life. If we are alive in the time of the Tribulation, then Jesus will give us the strength and courage to go through whatever comes upon us. Just trust Jesus.

Scripture: Matt.24:32-51 ; II Thess. 2:2 ; Matt. 23:36 ; Acts 1:7 ; Mk. 13:35 ; Lk. 17:26 ; I Thess. 5:2 ;

II Pet. 3:4 ; I Pet. 3:20 ; I Thess. 4:17 ; II Thess. 1:7-9 ; II Pet. 3:10 ; Matt. 25:21 ; Lk. 16:10 ; Matt. 19:28 ;

I Sam. 15:33 ; Matt. 8:12 ; Matt. 22:13 ; II Pet. 3:9