Eph. 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
One of the great things about being saved is that there was nothing I did to accomplish it and there is nothing that I can do to maintain it. It is ALL about what God has done on my behalf. My works or good deeds did not make me accepted by God but His grace provided salvation for me in spite of all my sin. Even the faith by which this salvation comes to me is brought about by God taking the first step to draw me to Himself. The world offers all kinds of JUNK that will not last and will not provide any eternal benefits but God offers mankind that which is eternal. Life everlasting with God in His glorious Kingdom. This offer is free to anyone who will place their trust in Jesus Christ. Now I must make it very clear that this gift of eternal life is not free. This gift cost God the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. But because Christ gave Himself to die for us, the price has been paid and the gift is freely given to us who believe. We could not have bought that gift for ourselves but Christ has paid the price for us. That is why there is nothing better than being saved.
Scripture: Lk. 19:1-10 ; I Cor. 13:2 ; Mk. 1:23-25 ; John 3:1-3 ; I Cor. 2:14 ; Rom. 3:10 ; Matt. 19:20 ;
Is. 64:6 ; Rom. 3:28 ; Lk. 3:8 ; Lk. 12:19-20 ; Eph. 2:8