Sermon Thought

Matt. 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.

God calls us to be committed to Him and His ways in all aspects of our lives. Following Christ WILL cost us some things but the benefits far outweigh the loses. It is funny that in many movies there is that one person who is always only thinking about themselves and how they want to save their own life, who wind up being the first person killed. Giving up our life for others is the highest expression of love. Giving up things that we cannot hold on to for those things which are eternal is not a lose but a gain. Holding on to this world and things will be a sure lose in the end because ALL of the things of this world will vanish away. But losing ones life for the cause of Christ will bring real life worth living and eternal life in the end. Losing one’s life for Christ does not mean that the person physically dies necessarily but that person gives up worldly pleasures for the cause of Christ.

Scripture: Matt. 19:13-30 ; Gen. 48:14 ; Rom. 2:4 ; I John 5:3 ; I John 4:20 ; I Tim. 5:4 ; Rom. 3:20 ;

James 2:22 ; Matt. 16:25 ; Mk. 4:19 ; I Tim. 6:9-10 ; I Tim. 6:17 ; Phil. 3:8 ; Titus 3:5 ; I Cor. 6:2 ;

Mk. 8:35 ; Lk. 13:30